Sam Prekop

Sam Prekop_Comma_Mastered for Vinyl.jpg

Comma​ by ​Sam Prekop​ is out now.  Many of you know ​Sam​ from ​​Sea and Cake​, and as a fan of that band I can say with absolution that all of ​Sam's ​solo projects are worth spending time with. The layers of synth composition and performance are truly masterful and utterly gorgeous. Do grab a copy of this record, and take a listen while perusing it's praise on Pitchfork.

Comma​​ is available on​Thrill Jockey​​. It was mastered for digital by Taylor Deupree​ and mastered for vinyl and cut by ​Amy Dragon ​at ​Telegraph.


Sidi Touré


Cosmic Reef Temple/ Shrinkwrap Killers