It’s been my pleasure to work with extraordinary artists and labels around the world mastering the full spectrum of genre releases. Excellence is the goal and each project is approached with individualized care. I value integrity, authenticity, quality and professionalism. It is an utter joy to deliver powerful and expressive masters to my clients.

Expertise in vinyl comes from general management experience at Cascade Record Pressing from 2015-2018, which afforded me intimate knowledge of superior vinyl production. Vinyl transfer projects are engineered and cut by me with a fully restored Neumann VMS70 Lathe, and customized VG66 rack.

The Telegraph Mastering studio is a Northward Acoustics FTB room that marries high quality analog gear with the best sounding digital software-perfect for vinyl, digital, streaming, restoration, transfers, and archival projects.

And in case your are curious, yes. Dragon is my real last name.